Sunday, August 05, 2007

The power of fasting and prayer

Dear Family,

Today is the first day at Sacrament Meeting that I did not use the little hearing device that we have for those who can't hear the speakers. After the meeting and at the end of my interviews,
my hearing started to get bad. However, when I got home and changed the battery in my hearing aid, it was very good again. I can even hear Gma plainly across the room which I haven't had a lot of luck doing lately.
I'll be anxious to see how it works during family get togethers. I know that the Lord blesses me thru your prayers.
Thank you and I love you much....................Gpa

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


We have been very busy but the real reason we haven't been posting is because we weren't ready to talk about the elephant in the living room. Wayne is no longer living with the family. G'pa and G'ma have been helping Sue and the boys clean and reorganize.
Don't know what else I was going to say. Just got a phone call that one of our friends from Guam, Lynn Tamura died today.
Guess this is a bit of a downer isn't it. We'll do better next time. Love from us.