Tub and Carpet
We've had quite an experience this week with our tub and carpet. Last Friday we had a company come in to refinish our bathtub. The guy spilled paint on our downstairs carpet on the way in. He was so upset and didn't want to continue. Gma prevailed on him to get the job done. (I was out golfing at the time) He was sure we'd have to replace the carpet. We thought so too for a while. We worked a lot with spot removers, etc. and it did help but wasn't quite there. The company was great. They said they would do whatever was required. So yesterday they hired a professional carpet cleaner and he managed to remove the spot and clean the downstairs carpet. So we made out pretty well.The kid who spilled the paint at first offered to give us the tub free and supply a throw rug to cover the spot. We thought that was not too good an idea. Actually we could have come out ahead if we'd accepted that offer and had the cleaner in ourselves. But it all turned out very well.