Thursday, July 21, 2005

Story about "Mormons"

I had an interesting weekend and week so far. I'll make it as short as possible. Saturday I got a call from a man in the ward who invited me to give a blessing to a very ill older sister. I did so and had a feeling that she really needed to be in the hospital. Gma had called her husband to suggest a rehab unit. Our phone rang at 2:00 a.m. and it was a deputy sheriff saying that this sister had passed away and they wanted me to come over. So I did and spent the rest of the night with the husband. It was a good thing to do cause we got to talk about the church a lot. (He is a non-member) The wife had been active on occasion. They are very close friends with Kristen Oaks (as in Mrs. Dallin H.) So I got to call their house and Elder Oaks answered and I gave him the message.
Now all of this is just a lead in to the story about Mormons. During the course of the night we talked alot and he told me about a time last year when they were in Florida. (they wintered there) It was after some hurricane activity and he was in a room with a bunch of non mormons watching TV. A protestant minister was talking and indicated how grateful he was for the help from other churches He said a lot of the food and stuff that they received was old and outdated. However, there were three churches that were excellent. Quality and quantity. He didn't know much about them but one was LDS and he didn't know what that meant, the 2nd one was Latter Day Saints and the third was Mormons and they all knew about them. Figures!!
OK. Enough for the second posting.


At 7:37 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

The church is wonderful isn't it! People are so willing to give of their time and substance when asked.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Did you get to see the Oaks at the viewing last night?

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Todd said...

That is a great story about the three churches. It's amazing how little people know about the church.


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