Sunday, July 01, 2007

About time to post

Since our last post was on Mother's Day, I guess we should check in at least. There's not a ton of news. I conducted my 12th Funeral since September this week. I even had to write a new talk cause there might be someone who's heard most of my stuff. What I have is dozens of various talks that I can mix and match and personalize to the deceased. G'ma's Stake Marriage Class was kind of a disappointment. The Stake President isn't happy with the bishops. They missed a great chance to help people. The 2nd Ward was the only one who supplied the requested two couples. (guess whose ward that is?)
On the continuing saga of Gpa's Menieres Disease.........As you know from the time we went to Texas, it's been in both ears. So I have a hearing aid without which I am for all practical purposes totally deaf. (I can hear things like plays, etc. thru the supplied earphones from the theater. Can't hear music's just rather ugly noise.
The good news is that thru the miracle of modern science the dizzy part is mostly cured. I have a low power pulse generator which I use three times a day that displaces the fluid in the ears. The Doc put a tiny slit in my ear drums and inserted a tube to carry the air pressure to the right place. Even the manufacturers don't quite know why it works but it sure seems to. It's a simple procedure - 5 minutes in each ear three times a day. (can't even feel it). Should be able to even stop using it after a while. It's expensive 3500.00. We had to buy it up front but Medicare pays us so much each month. So in the end, they've paid for it.
So - that's where that is. Basically we're still in good health. Gm's weight is still down (she may have gained a whole 3 pounds back) I'm not so good, I've gained about 10.
I just hit the big 75 which is a little scary. All of the males in my immediate family died at 75 (three of them) or before. So, when I make 76 (and I will), I set a record.
We've got to start making our travel plans to Iowa and Nashville, etc. We're anxious to see the Ebberts and the Melvilles.


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks for the update! I always feel like your trip to Texas is what messed up your other ear (not that it's anyone's fault of course). I'm glad hearing aids help though and I hope the dizziness does completely go away without needing the generator too much more.

Oh, and happy belated birthday. We were thinking about you yesterday!

At 3:31 AM, Blogger Todd said...

We're anxious to see you!! Come visit anytime!

Good luck with your ears. Not fun at all.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Mark said...

The "generator" is amazing. Dad was having dizziness almost everyday and it was getting pretty bad. It is great to see him doing so much better! Thanks for all your help on Sat. getting Nan moved. We love you both!


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