Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wierd Experience

Yesterday, I (Gpa) had a very strange experience. I have been anethesized (sp?) before for surgery, etc. but never like this. Sequence of events: Went in early morning for endoscope test. Usual stuff, IV inserted, BP monitors, etc. They told me I would be mostly awake, just relaxed and that I would forget procedure. (Understatement) The doctor asked if I was getting relaxed, did the procedure, he talked to GMa and I, we went to the car, drove home, had liquid breakfast, took daliy medication, went upstairs, sat in chair, asked GMa for cover cause I was cold, had another shake for lunch. I totally forgot all of the above from the time the doc asked if I was getting relaxed until lunch. Gma said I talked to her some on way home, etc. etc. When I came to, I was fine. No after effects. Talk about mind altering drugs. Feels like some spy story. Anyway, it was interesting to say the least.


At 5:48 PM, Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Susanne had that same kind of anesthetic when she had her wisdom teeth out. We had been home a while when she asked how she had gotten home.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Was it nitrous oxide? I have had that with similar effects, but not so much forgetting. Also, what is an endoscope test? Are you alright? We sure are looking forward to seeing you.

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Todd said...

That's anesthesia for you. Crazy stuff. I almost became an anesthesiologist, but decided against it. It was funny to watch people come out of anesthesia. Some would just wake right up. Others would look like they were up and then not remember a thing. Most just groaned and came to a lot later.


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