Saturday, August 06, 2005

Super Service Project

We had the neatest service project last week. It went better than we dared to hope. The Stake had scheduled a Stake Service Day for last Saturday. About two weeks before they decided that each ward should have their own project. I (Gpa) had an inspiration at PEC meeting. The Relief Society (which I am closely associated with) had been given a huge bolt of cloth from the Christmas Box House with their logo on. I said "why don't we have a ward quiltiing activity."? So we did. The RS and I spent part of one Saturday cutting material and putting it together with batting so all that had to be done was tie the yarn. They were small about 36 X 45 inches. The next Saturday we got together and did the tying. We had over 55 people show up at least half were men. Had a great time and finished 48 quilts. This may be an annual activity. People were really pleased about it. Gma and I remembered when we were in the Church Office building and they had the drive for quilts for Kosovo, many High Priest groups did a lot of quilting.


At 6:46 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

It is such a nice feeling to feel like you have done something worthwhile for other people. It is even greater to feel like you have helped others have that feeling too. That's great. I am glad things turned out so well.


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